Jul 22, 2010

Social Media Marketing – A Boom of Facebook Campaigns in Hong Kong

A statistics announced in 2010 June that there are 3.4M Facebook users in Hong Kong. Facebook is considered as a platform for timely information exchanges. Marketers keep an eye on this new channel, use it to enhance customer engagement to brands and deliver promotion messages.

For the first 6 months in 2010, there were 64 online display ad campaigns related to advertisers’ Facebook fan pages or Facebook games; while that was only 33 in 2009 the whole year. The total ad spend of these display ad campaigns amounted to HKD 5.8M in 2010, which was 1.5 times of that in 2009 full year, and it is still counting.

Chart 1: Statistics of Facebook-Related Online Display Ads

Among these display ad campaigns in 2009, they were mostly Facebook fan page promotions, intended to recruit fans with some free gifts/ trial products as incentives. However, the campaign content had been changed a lot in 2010. There were more interesting and insightful Facebook-related campaigns, e.g. interactive games or activities. It is suggested that those games/ activities strengthen customer engagements to the brands, and boost up the fan page visit frequency.

Chart 2: Industry of Facebook-related Campaign Advertisers

Shopping/ Retail advertisers involved the most in Facebook-related campaigns. It fit their needs of rapid market response to their promotions and high brand exposure to the mass market.

Chart 3: Ad Spend Forecast on Online Advertising of Facebook-Related Campaigns

It is expected that there will be increasing number of Facebook-related display ad campaigns launched this year, as well as an increase in total display ad spend those campaigns to HKD10M at the end of 2010.

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