Jul 29, 2010

傳統品牌 創新營銷(二)







1) 橫額宣傳 – 2010/05/24至2010/07/01

2) 活動網頁

3) 網上遊戲


這個營銷活動反映了網上宣傳,除可增加品牌/ 產品的知名度外,亦可以做到刺激消售的目的,並加強商戶與顧客之間的互動。網上遊戲可令營銷活動內容更豐富,增加活動的趣味性,從而帶動大眾的討論,吸引市場目光。相對從前寄回發票/吉包參加大抽奬等的推廣模式,網上推廣為營銷活動帶來了更多各式各樣的可能性。然而,是次活動的推廣宣傳,橫額廣告只在Uwants及YahooHK刋登、宣傳未有使用社交媒體、電視廣告以產品為焦點等……或未有足夠渠道讓大眾接觸相關活動的資訊。建議可加強在討論區或社交媒體的宣傳,以吸引更多人參與活動。

Jul 22, 2010

傳統品牌 創新營銷(一)

與傳統媒體比較,網上營銷提供了一個互動的平台,使品牌與大眾聯繫。網上營銷活動的效益,往往不是大灑金錢換取,而是由創意主導。在主要網站舖天蓋地/密集式的橫額廣告(Banner Ad),無疑可在短時間內增加品牌知名度,但在計算投資回報(ROI)時,便會發現往往「入不敷支」。創新的意念、善用互聯網的特性,才是成功網上營銷的不二法門。

在2010年,一些傳統品牌就以嶄新的方式進行營銷活動,包括維他奶及嘉頓。他們在橫額廣告上花費不高,然而在營銷活動加入了網上元素,大大提升了與大眾/ 客戶的互動,及品牌的網上曝光率(Online Exposure)。

圖一: 2010年1月至6月有關品牌橫額廣告數據



活動內容:維他奶國際就慶祝公司70週年,特別設計了70款新包裝,讓大眾投票選出他們最喜愛的款式。活動內容共分三部份,包括:1) 「個個祝」維他奶大晒冷 – 大眾可揀選心水設計,以電郵方式/通過Facebook送給親友;2) 個個vote大抽奬 – 每週以不同主題投票,例如:「邊盒最爆?」,並於每週投票者中選出大抽奬得奬者;3) My Own Pack設計鬥 – 大眾可於活動網頁以自己設計的包裝參加比賽,並由公眾選出他們最喜愛的設計。


1) 橫額宣傳 – 2010/03/05至2010/04/02

2) 活動網頁

3) Facebook專頁


活動網頁與Facebook互動,公眾可於活動網頁登入Facebook,以Facebook帳戶資料進行投票,無須從新登記個人資料。同時在登入Facebook帳戶後,即與「維他奶『Friend足70年』」專頁連結,成為品牌日後與公眾的一個溝通平台。而在專頁發佈的訊息亦會在已連結用戶的動態消息(News Feed)出現,使訊息進一步滲入其朋友群。在是次活動期內,維他奶國際就連結了約20,000名Facebook用戶,若以每用戶50名朋友計算,維他奶在短短一個月內,已在Facebook建立了一個與1,000,000大眾的溝通平台。是次營銷活動結合了社交媒體,不但豐富了活動內容,為活動參與者帶來便利,同時亦為品牌日後在使用社交媒體作宣傳建立了良好的基礎。


Social Media Marketing – A Boom of Facebook Campaigns in Hong Kong

A statistics announced in 2010 June that there are 3.4M Facebook users in Hong Kong. Facebook is considered as a platform for timely information exchanges. Marketers keep an eye on this new channel, use it to enhance customer engagement to brands and deliver promotion messages.

For the first 6 months in 2010, there were 64 online display ad campaigns related to advertisers’ Facebook fan pages or Facebook games; while that was only 33 in 2009 the whole year. The total ad spend of these display ad campaigns amounted to HKD 5.8M in 2010, which was 1.5 times of that in 2009 full year, and it is still counting.

Chart 1: Statistics of Facebook-Related Online Display Ads

Among these display ad campaigns in 2009, they were mostly Facebook fan page promotions, intended to recruit fans with some free gifts/ trial products as incentives. However, the campaign content had been changed a lot in 2010. There were more interesting and insightful Facebook-related campaigns, e.g. interactive games or activities. It is suggested that those games/ activities strengthen customer engagements to the brands, and boost up the fan page visit frequency.

Chart 2: Industry of Facebook-related Campaign Advertisers

Shopping/ Retail advertisers involved the most in Facebook-related campaigns. It fit their needs of rapid market response to their promotions and high brand exposure to the mass market.

Chart 3: Ad Spend Forecast on Online Advertising of Facebook-Related Campaigns

It is expected that there will be increasing number of Facebook-related display ad campaigns launched this year, as well as an increase in total display ad spend those campaigns to HKD10M at the end of 2010.

2010 World Cup Related Online Campaigns

There is a football fever around the world due to 2010 World Cup. Since December 2009, few advertisers had started their online advertising campaigns which were related to World Cup/ football. By June 18, a week after 2010 World Cup started, there were 57 online advertising campaigns, with amounted 3.6 million ad spend, launched by 44 advertisers in Hong Kong.

Chart 1: Number of Campaigns & Total Ad Spend by Industry.

Shopping/ Retail was the top industry launched World Cup/ football related online advertising according to the number of campaigns, followed by Food/ Beverage and Entertainment industries. There were 18, 12 and 8 campaigns launched during the period respectively. Whilst Food/ Beverage was the top industry in terms of ad spend; that it spent 1.4 million on those campaigns.

Nike, Adidas and McDonald’s were the top three advertisers in terms of number of World Cup/ Football related campaigns; that they had launched 5, 4 and 3 campaigns respectively. When comparing with total ad spend, McDonald’s was the top advertisers among the others, who spent around 740K on the campaigns, followed by Visa and Sony.

Chart 2: Number of New-Start Campaign by Date

World Cup/ Football related campaigns were mainly started after April, and the peak of new-start campaigns was the week after World Cup opened. There were 16 new campaigns launched within one single week; while there were 8 new campaigns launched in the week when World Cup opened. There were totally 38 World Cup/ Football related campaigns running during the period.

For promotion gimmicks, lucky draws, prized World Cup quiz games, and redemption of limited World Cup souvenirs were commonly found, apart from some direct product/ service promotions, e.g. Extension of Delivery Service Time Promotion by KFC. There were also some interactive game promotions, either in social networks or company websites, to enhance customer engagement to their brands. Football Matchups Game on Facebook by Adidas, Yahoo! Penalty Shootout Free Online Game Promotion by Budweiser, and Football – Make Your Own Advertisement Clip Promo by Nike, were some examples.

Chart 3: Top Publishers by Ad Spend

For channel usage, there were 143 publishers in total used for those campaigns. Discuss.com.hk, Uwants and Yahoo!HK are the top publishers in terms of number of campaign launched. It reflects that advertisers were more targeting to the mass market. There were 22, 19, and 18 online advertising found on their portals respectively. Yahoo!HK, on.cc and Atnext.com were the top publishers according to total ad spend.

To conclude, 44 advertisers from 8 industries took 2010 World Cup as a gimmick to their promotions; for who spent 3.6 million on online advertising so far. Lucky draws, prized quiz games and limited souvenirs were commonly included in their promotions; while some brands aim to enhance their online brand exposure by providing special designed interactive games, addition to online advertising for their promotions. There is one more month to go before the end of 2010 World Cup. It is expected that there will be more and more related online campaigns in the market, especially in the week of final matches. We look forward to seeing marketers’ creative ideas in coming World Cup related online campaigns.