Dec 29, 2010

Number of X’mas Online Display Ad Campaigns Dropped Slightly in 2010

Christmas is always huge for marketers. From late November to Dec 5, 72 X’mas online display ad campaigns found, with ad spend amounted HK$8 millions, and 55 advertisers involved. When comparing with those figures in 2009, the number of campaign in the same period dropped by 15% and the number of advertisers involved decreased by 25%. However, the ad spend rose by 25% and the ad spend per campaign increased sharply by 55%.

Chart 1: Comparison of X’mas Promotions by Different Industry

In terms of number of campaign, Shopping/ Retail and Travel/ Accommodation were the top industry in both 2009 and 2010. Others, e.g. NPO, Utility advertisers, replaced Health/ Beauty and became the third top industry in X’mas online display ad promotions. Computer/ Electronic Products was the top industry spender in 2010, that it was in the third place in the previous year, followed by Shopping/ Retail and Travel/ Accommodation industry.

Table 1: Top 5 Advertisers by Ad Spend

Dell, Hong Kong Disneyland, Air New Zealand, Nissen and Starbucks Coffee were the top 5 advertisers by ad spend. They spent more than half million each on their X’mas promotions; meanwhile Dell spent around HK$ 3 million and was on top of the list. Dell and Hong Kong Disneyland were also the top advertisers in terms of number of campaigns.

This article is a quick overview of 2010 X’mas online display ad campaigns in the period from late November to early December. Though the number of campaigns decreased, advertisers invested more in every single online display ad campaign. It is forecasted that the total ad spend of X’mas online display ad campaigns will reach HK$10 millions in 2010.

Postscript: By 29 Dec, there were around 170 X’mas online display ad campaigns found, and accumulated to HK$11 millions in ad spend.

(Source from

Dec 1, 2010


流動電話市場競爭激烈,各廣告商於本年度繼續在互聯網上推出大量廣告,推廣各款新型號流動電話。於2010年1月至11月中旬,流動電話的網上橫額廣告活動共有約130個,廣告費用(ad spend)總額達3,500萬,當中涉及共15名廣告商戶,推廣共48款流動電話型號。

按廣告費用計算,首5名流動電話廣告商戶依序為Nokia、HTC、Sony Ericsson、LG和Samsung Anycall,它們的廣告費總額佔流動電話網上廣告費總額的90%。


與上年度的調查結果相比,2010年首11個月的廣告費用已大幅上升2.5倍。2009年廣告費用最高的廣告商為Sony Ericsson,廣告費用約400萬;而今年廣告費用最高的廣告商則為Nokia,廣告費用約1,400萬,比Sony Ericsson 2009年的廣告費用高出超過三倍。廣告費用於2010年大幅上升,顯示了流動電話市場競爭加劇之趨勢。

按廣告費用計算首5名網上媒體分別為Yahoo! HK、、、MSN Buddy List及TVB,當中Yahoo! HK佔了總廣告費用近40%。值得留意的是,流動電話的網上橫額廣告多出現於社交網站或討論區,例如有微博功能的,及設有討論區的Uwants和HKgolden,均在最高廣告費用的十大網上媒體之內。這些網上媒體受大眾歡迎,資訊流傳廣泛,而且用戶以年輕人為主,可見流動電話廣告主要針對大眾及年輕市場。




(Source from