Sep 22, 2010

Shanghai Expo 2010 in Online Display Advertising

The Expo held in Shanghai is one of the greatest events in China as well as the world in 2010. Reference to it can be found not only in the news, but also in online display advertising campaigns. From our statistics, there were altogether 30 Shanghai Expo related display advertising campaigns, with a total ad spend of 1.5 million, involving 20 advertisers. The top industry by ad spend was travel/accomodation, followed by accounting/finance/insurance and household.The majority of the campaigns was launched in May, the month which marks the grand opening of the Expo, while the earliest campaign was the promotion of Expo ticket reservation launched by China Travel Service in April 2009.

Chart 1: No. of Campaign and Ad Spend by Industry

Chart 2: No. of New-Start Campaign by Date

The top 3 advertisers in terms of ad spend were Cathay Pacific Holidays & Dragon Holidays, Master Card X Priceline (joint promotion) and Bank of Communications. Their total ad spend on Shanghai Expo related display advertising campaigns makes up 60% of the ad spend of all the advertisers involved.

 Chart 3: Top 10 Advertiser by Ad Spend

The top 3 publishers of Expo related campaigns were Yahoo!HK, South China Morning Post and MSN HK, indicating that the campaigns were targeted mainly to the mass market. Besides, the nature of most of the campaigns was sales promotion, advertising events such as special offers for Shanghai Expo travel packages, free Shanghai Expo souvenirs and customer engagement activities like free Shanghai Expo travel package for the winner of a competition.

With reference to the above statistics, despite its worldwide popularity and the national celebration of it in China, the Shanghai Expo was not a very attractive gimmick for marketers, except those from the travel/accomodation industry, who are major beneficiaries of the tourist boom in Shanghai and thus took advantage of the trend to start campaigns promoting travel products. The limited number of advertising campaigns related to the Expo and lack of variety of advertisers shows that this event drew relatively less attention from local marketers in comparison to other global events, for example, the 2010 World Cup (for more details, please refer to the article “2010 World Cup Related Online Campaigns” published in July 2010), illustrating a sharp contrast between its perceived popularity among the general public and the advertisers' expectations of its effectiveness in achieving advertising goals. 

(Source from

Sep 8, 2010


在女性為主導的護膚品及美容市場,針對男性用家的健康及美容產品於近兩年迅速冒起。截至2010年7月,健康及美容產品廣告商單單投資在本港網上橫額廣告(Banner Ad,後稱「網上廣告」)的廣告媒體費用(ad spend,後稱「廣告費用」)已達3,500萬港元*,其中有關男性健康及美容產品約佔300萬港元*,為健康美容產品市場總額的百分之九,同時較2009年全年男性健康及美容產品的「廣告費用」上升百分之三十六。在2010年首7個月共約40個相關「網上廣告」,較上年同期增加5成,數目亦已超過2009年全年相關「網上廣告」數目的總和。

圖一: 2009/ 2010年男性健康美容產品「網上廣告」數目及「廣告費用」比較

無論以「廣告費用」或「網上廣告」數目計算,首三名男性健康美容產品廣告商在兩年間都出現了較大的變化。於2009年,MSC皮膚護理中心(Men’s Skin Centres)、倩碧(Clinique)和歐碧泉(Biotherm)高踞首三位,它們的「廣告費用」已佔男性健康美容產品「網上廣告」市場總額的七成。而2010年,除了MSC皮膚護理中心(Men’s Skin Centres)保持於榜首外,Gatsby 和巴黎歐莢雅(L’Oreal Paris)分別進佔第二和第三位,「廣告費用」約各佔市場的百份之二十。另外,以「網上廣告」數量計算,除了主打男性護膚品的LABS SERIES由去年榜尾攀升至今年第三位,其餘排名與按「廣告費用」計算的結果大致相同。

圖二: 2010年按「廣告費用」計算的首10名男性健康美容產品品牌



在健康美容產品業中,以女性主導的市場無疑較男性市場成熟,男性市場的潛力及空間仍有待進一步開發,是以男性健康美容產品品牌在使用「網上廣告」作市場推廣的發展迴異,策略和「網上廣告」預算變化亦較大。若以「廣告費用」計算,雖然投資在「網上廣告」的金額較去年同期錄得倍數的增幅,2010年首七個月的「廣告費用」較同期上升約2.5倍,但也有品牌在2009年後,至今暫未有「網上廣告」推出,例如露得清(Neutrogena)和CRABTREE & EVELYN等。另外,以巴黎歐莢雅(L’Oreal Paris)和碧柔(Bioré)為例,「廣告費用」則較去年升逾100%及250%,遠高於年度增長的百分之三十六。反之,倩亮(Clinique)較去年同期出現負增長近百分之一百。而兩年位於榜首的MSC皮膚護理中心(Men’s Skin Centres)在「網上廣告」方面則有較平穩的發展,今年「廣告費用」較同期略升百分之六;而在媒體策劃(Media Plan)上,MSC皮膚護理中心(Men’s Skin Centres)於2010採用了更集中的策略,多選用YahooHK!、Atnext.com等大眾網站,拼棄一些主題網站,如DCFever、等,更針對品牌在大眾市場(Mass Market)的網上曝光率(Online Exposure)。


男性健康美容產品宣傳活動性質在2010年起了明顯的變化。去年,品牌多於網上作銷售推廣 (Sales Promotion)及產品宣傳(Product Promotion),例如優惠劵下載或免費試做/ 試用(Free Trial)等的推廣,分別佔去年男性健康美容產品「網上廣告」總數量的一半。反觀今年的情況,品牌以提升顧客參與度(Customer Engagement)作為宣傳策略重點,例如登記參與網上遊戲或上載相片到宣傳活動網頁等,佔今年相關「網上廣告」數量的三分二。




(資料來源: )